
Pen and Sorcery Mission Statement

From his man-cave of geekery, Shane seeks to bring his readers his thoughts, ideas, fiction, science news, and any little tidbits that warm the hearts of oddballs and social misfits the world over.

Who is Shane?

He is a geek, nerd, and gamer whose love of pulp fantasy, science fiction, role-playing games, comics, anthropology, archaeology, internet culture, history, and astrophysics has always left him all over the place and somewhat unfocused in his dork-ness.  This site is an attempt to wrangle his varied interests into one place and provide you, the visitor, with insight into the mind behind the man.

This is his story.

(An approximate rendering of the author)

2 Comments on “About”

  1. Yo! I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award. (At http://ilikestring.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/nominated/ if you want to check it out.) It’s sort of a blogging meme to, well, recognize folks whose work you appreciate. Anyway, there’s no requirement/expectation/pressure to participate and continue the meme, just wanted to let you know your blog was one of my picks. Congrats!

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